Hubby and gang is planning for a short trip during the recent Labour Day holidays. After several 'AGM' and several session of IM, we finally decided to pay Cameron Highlands a visit. We got a room 2 days before the trip and 6 of us adult plus my Angel is going to squeeze into a room with 3 beds!
We begin our day early at 6am, have breakfast and start our journey. We stop by at Bidor for a break, have another meal before we continue our journey. By the time we reach the Simpang Pulai tol exit, we saw the long queue of cars ---- JAM!!! OMG...

By the time we reach Kampung Raja, its almost lunch time and we stop to have another meal. We pass by this shop which sells puff with strawberry fillings. And mind you.. its delicious especially the strawberry fillings.

We continue our journey and is stuck in the crawl up the hills for at least 1.5 hours before we reach our next destination - Boh Plantation at Sungai Palas. This is a reward for the long crawl!! The view is breathtaking.

Top: The suspended cafe of Boh Plantation

Top: My Angel looking at a few youngster taking photo while we wait for our turn.

Top: Our beverages from the cafe ice and hot tea
Bottom: Our snacks - sandwich, apple pie, coconut pie and ... I forget the rest hehehe...

After the Boh Plantation, we continue with our journey to our hotel in Brinchang and the crawl continue. On our way and to give our legs some relaxation time, we stop-by a stall that sells the fruit as picture below. Do you know the name of this fruit? We don't, some called it sea coconut but its juicier.

We also saw something unique, see photo below. The stall owner called it 'Ayam Mas' and its is said to cure diabetes and rheumatism!! It does look like a chicken.

By the time we reach Brinchang town, its 8pm and everyone is tired. We decided to park our car and walk to our hotel which is about 500m away. On our way we bought some food from the famous Brinchang pasar malam. What luck we are cause it rain before we reach our hotel. So, with hubby holding on Angel, me dragging our bag and 2 other friends following we march to our hotel. While another couple went food scouting at the pasar malam.
We reach our hotel, pay the balance of the rate and went straight to our room. At least the room is comfortable with 3 king size bed side by side. The room even have 2 bathroom and a small little area that we turn into our dining room. We have char kuey teow, burgers and strawberry and then take turn to clean ourselves.
By the time everyone is clean and get some rest, its 10pm. Even after our 'pasar malam' dinner, we still decided to have a proper dinner and what else if not steamboat.

Not bad for the price we pay. and we got a 10% discount cause we stay at their 'sister hotel'.

After the steaming hot dinner, we proceed to the pasar malam but most of the stalls are all packed and ready to leave. Nonetheless, I still managed to get 3 bottles of strawberry jam, 3 pots of cactus, a bag of pearl corn and a fridge magnet! All this in just 30 minutes, just imagine if I'm given 1 or 2 hours to shop! hehehehe....
The next morning we have our breakfast near the Brinchang wet market and have s hort stroll at the market. Wanted to go back to Kea Farm for some fresh vegetable but when we saw the crawl, we decided that we can also get Cameron vege in KL... so we left Brinchang.
On our way down to Tapah, we stop by at the famous Smokehouse and the Parit Waterfall. Overall, I enjoy the trip cause its the first time we bring along Angel for such a long drive trip. She enjoy it very much running around and playing with the uncles and aunties!

I stayed at this
hotel and I find it very affordable, clean and tidy. We only pay RM150 (its public holiday) for a room with 3 kings size bed and 2 bathroom attached. The only complaint is the water heater is very slow in heating up.
Chua Gin Apartment11, Main Road, Brinchang,
39100 Cameron Highlands,
Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia.
Tel:605 491 1801
Fax: 605 491 2782