I was on my way to the office this morning and traffic is bad. I almost reach the office building and was stopped due to traffic light. I look to my right and saw the newspaper display on the sidewalk. Frontpage is a distraught father with the bodies of his sons, 3 sons. Then the traffic move.
In the office, the picture just won't leave my mind. I got my purse and went to get the papers. Read the papers and just can't stop thinking how can anyone initiate a war and kill those innocence people especially children. Maybe because I'm a mother myself, I'm choked with emotion when I see those image of parents loosing their child.
Politicians, countrymen or whoever that have the power, please do something to stop this 'invasion' before more innocence people, children, die.

Politicians, countrymen or whoever that have the power, please do something to stop this 'invasion' before more innocence people, children, die.

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