When I reach the hospital, the midwife can hardly hear the baby heart beat and immediately rush me to the operation room. After the c-section, my gynae told my hubby that I have this medical condition call placenta abruptio. This happens when the placenta detaches from the mother's body, hence baby will not be getting oxygen from the mom. That is why the heart beat is vague. Because of the condition, our plan to keep the stemcell have to be cancel because the cord is detached and blood (stemcell) is no longer usable/extractable.
My princess was in the NICU for 8 days and I can only feed her on my 3rd day. On the fourth day I was able to breast feed her. I really thank my hubby for he have gone through the worst and I can't help. And, maybe so, he is very reluctant to have second child. It is just too traumatised for him to go through what he had.
Oh my god... this is suppose to be a happy post about my princess but I... well just like to remind myself of what my hubby have done for both of us.
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