Was away during the weekend for a treasure hunt organized by my company in conjunction with its annual family day outing. Our mission is hunt the treasure to Kuantan. This is my 3rd treasure hunt and hubby's first (& Angel's too). I was a bit worry that it will be difficult to hunt with Angel around and only the two of us as hunters. But we manage and we won 2nd place, hooray!!!
Below some pictures of the event, not much pictures cause were busy hunting and during the night Angel was feverish. So, worry that its the H1N1. Luckily she recovered the next day after forcing a few bottles of water + 100plus on her.

At the flag-off point

Honey, concentrating on the question while waiting for our turn at Karak toll.

Angel being naughty in the car - playing with my sunglasses.

Our room at Hyatt Kuantan. Its facing the tennis court instead of the beach :(

Angel 'checking out' our room!

Angel: "I'm ready for the beach!"

The beach. The sand is white but not very soft. Its a bit hazy so the picture is not clear.

My Angel.

This is suppose to be a picture of the swimming pool next to the beach. Its a very pretty sight. Unfortunately my camera does not do a good job :(

Angel have been very cranky that night, down with mild fever. Clinging to daddy the whole night! Poor daddy.

Hahahahaha... Honey is so excited about winning his 1st hunt and insist we take a picture right when we are in our room!

Angel getting ready to doozed off... She sleep like a baby that night.

My Angel back again!!! The sun is beaming hot but she is just happy running around the playground - don't have the heart to stop her.

See poor daddy calling for help - so hot!!!

Just before we left, let Angel take her LONGGGGG bath in the bathtub.
A hot and dry but fruitful weekend!
Sounds like fun! Well done for winning :-)
ReplyDeleteIt is fun! Hope to this again.